Pathfinder heads up

Pathfinder Powerboat Club’s Geoff Sheddick with all the latest plans for summer fun

First on Geoff Sheddick’s list of notices is one concerning the summer cruise, 4-11 August. If you’re planning on taking part in the cruise, to Cherbourg and the Channel Islands, you’re late. Paul Thompson has already sent out briefing notes so if you are interested, contact him on:

Due to forthright and insistent demand, the PPC Committee has relented and agreed to get some bumper/window/transom stickers printed. Each member will receive two each, gratis, later in the year with more available on request from the a member of the committee to be announced. ‘And, yes, they are UV and water resistant…’

After scouring the world for suitable venues, the Committee has decided to return to the Portsmouth Harbour Yacht Club, Port Solent, for this year’s PPC AGM, Annual Dinner and Social Weekend. The date to make is Saturday 10 November 2001. Details will be forwarded to you in due course.

“Last year, more than 50 members and their guests had a great time,” adds Geoff, “except perhaps Karen, so we’ve put her in charge of the menu this time, so you can be certain that there won’t be any glassy-eyed fish staring at you from your plate this year!”

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