Day 34: Brazil

Egret makes landfall in Bahia de Salvador

Day 34: Brazil

Position: 12° 58.54S 38° 31.17W

Distance travelled: 3613.23 nm from Gibraltar

Scott and Mary Flanders left Gibraltar on 16 September, and we’ll be following their journey every step of the way, thanks to this unique online “blog”. For the first instalment of their diary, click here.

We made it! Exactly 20 days to the minute! No major problems not fixed and a routine passage under power alone in a small private motorboat. The Egret crew is well rested, well fed and has a freezer full of fresh fish. We have 1/2 of a lemon left, potatoes, 2 tomatoes, the last apple two days ago and kiwi two days before that. All is well. Champagne is in the freezer and Q flag is flying. Thank you for joining the Egret crew in our personal voyage of discovery. More to follow…
