Carrier passes Dover on final voyage

Clemenceau, the retired 32,000-ton French aircraft carrier, will be towed through the Dover Strait today on her way to Hartlepool for recycling.

Clemenceau, the retired 32,000-ton French aircraft carrier, will be towed through the Dover Strait today on her way to Hartlepool for recycling. She left Brest on Tuesday afternoon and is expected to arrive off the River Tees during the weekend.

Demolition of the vessel, now known simply as Q790, will be carried out at the Able UK TERRC (Teesside Environmental Reclamation and Recycling Centre) facility at Able Seaton Port. It will be the largest ship recycling project ever undertaken in Europe.

“Dismantling work on the Q790, plus three other British and four American vessels, will begin after Easter, said Able UK’s Chairman and Chief Executive, Peter Stephenson.

