Home Microsites Practical Boating Practical Boating Practical Boating Service your boat before winterising Make the most of the winter lull to get your boat serviced Using radar (part 2) In the second of his videos on using radar on your boat, Motor Boats Monthly's Neale Byart explains what the terms VRM, EBL and MARPA mean Nab a cheap winter berth Make the most of the deals on offer Using radar (part 1) In this first video, Motor Boats Monthly's Neale Byart talks you through the basic functions of radar, including increasing and decreasing gain and reducing clutter Start-up checks Neale takes us through those important pre and post start-up checks Check your nav lights are working Before it's too late Latest videos Princess S65 sea trial and tour: £2M Sportsfly ticks all the boxes Watch: Beneteau Swift Trawler 54 Sea Trial – £1.4M cruiser is the ultimate home WATCH: Parker Sorrento sea trial: 50-knot cruiser with a killer aft cabin WATCH: Virtue V10 Sea Trial: €272k weekender < Previous