LPG day success

Get in the mix

The LPG open day Warsash on 12 May went well, with punters coming from across the area to discover more about the benefits of the alternative fuel.

Organiser Peter Burton says: “The weather was less than kind which kept a couple of gas-fuelled boats from venturing out to sea. However, there were two gas-fuelled boats there for people to see and plenty to talk about.

“In addition to staff from Hamble Marine, people from FloGas UK Ltd and Solent Marine Engineering Ltd were on hand to answer questions.
A live demonstration of “Boat Track” was also available to show its capabilities.”

Pictured are two of the helpers on the day, holding a standard mixer (left) and a heavy-duty mixer (right). The mixer is a vital part of the gas conversion that sets the correct proportion of air to gas mixture into the carburettor.

