With support of Premier Marinas
Berth holders at Brighton Marina have worked together to form the Brighton Marina Berth Holders’ Association (BMBHA).
Launched with the support of Premier Marinas, which operates Brighton Marina, the BMBHA will be primarily responsible for representing the interests of its members to Premier and to other businesses in the marina.
The formation of the BMBHA has also enjoyed the assistance of the RYA and its organisation is based on an RYA-approved model for berth holders’ associations.
The BMBHA is the first berth holders’ association to be formally established with RYA approval at Brighton Marina, since it opened for business in 1978.
Membership of the association is open to all boat owners and occupiers of the marina’s 1600 berths – for a £10 annual fee – including families, syndicates and charter companies.
A programme of regular meetings and social events for members is already being planned.
John Boyce, chairman of the Brighton Marina Berth Holders’ Association, said: “The successful formation of our association has been due to the very hard work of several key individuals, especially Jacquie Dowding and Julie Dennison, who initiated the exploratory meetings and had the vision to provide the framework for the BMBHA’s creation.
“All berth holders in Brighton now have a purpose-built conduit for information and communication, with the long-overdue benefit of a single voice for airing opinions and making sure all suggestions are heard.
“Our objective is to manage communication between berth holders and Premier Marinas as effectively as possible, to ensure a mature, professional approach can be maintained by all parties, while addressing any issues as they arise. It is therefore a win-win situation, benefiting both sides, and giving everyone mooring their boats here a chance to provide feedback for Premier Marinas, and have a positive influence on the marina’s long-term direction and development.”
Brighton Marina’s General Manager, Andrew Garland, said: “We greatly welcome the creation of the BMBHA, and we will be working closely with its members to ensure their expectations and our services can be synchronised as tightly as possible. As one of our first joint objectives, we will be working alongside the BMBHA to produce a Berth Holders’ Charter for this marina that is agreeable to all parties. With 1600 berths in this very busy marina, I have no doubt that the BMBHA will prove extremely beneficial, to all berth holders and to ourselves.”